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Thandela PT (South Africa) Sign Up for Software-As-A-Service - EQAlite

ZINQAP (Zimbabwe) Choose KPMD EQA Software

EQAlite a Big Success With Royal College of Pathologists

Urology EQA Sign Up for Software-As-A-Service - EQAlite

Leeds Hospitals Purchase Access To Health Software

NLEQAC (Nigeria) Subscribe to EQAlite Application Service

More clients choose KPMD EQA Software

KPMD Launch New EQA Application Service - EQAlite

HeidelbergCement choose KPMD EQA Software

ECAT Foundation (Netherlands) choose KPMD EQA Software


7th International Proficiency Testing Conference

9th EURACHEM Workshop on Proficiency Testing and External Quality Assessment

8th EURACHEM Workshop on Proficiency Testing and External Quality Assessment

4th International Proficiency Testing Conference

7th EURACHEM Workshop on Proficiency Testing and External Quality Assessment

Second International Proficiency Testing Conference

6th EURACHEM Workshop on Proficiency Testing

First International Proficiency Testing Conference


More clients choose KPMD EQA Software

Mick Daniels
7 Apr 2011

Over the last couple of months, four more clients have decided to use the KPMD software that is designed specifically for organisers of external quality assessment (EQA), proficiency testing (PT), and inter-laboratory comparison schemes.

UK NEQAS for Cellular Pathology Technique, IELAB (Spain), DEQAS and INTEGRATED BIOBANK OF Luxembourg along with their partner organisation ISBER (USA), have all chosen the KPMD software. Each client will have their software tailored for their specific needs. These four clients illustrate the wide range of PT schemes that the KPMD software can be used for, covering qualitative and quantitative schemes. Samples range from pathology slides, tissue and blood serum to water samples. Statistical analysis includes assessor assessment, consensus scoring, standard deviation, robust z-scores and a wide variety of reporting and graph types.

For further information about the KPMD software, visit www.kpmd.co.uk/scripts/ProgramMan.htm



Proficiency Testing, determination of laboratory testing performance by means of interlaboratory comparisons.

External Quality Assessment, determination of laboratory testing performance by means of interlaboratory comparisons.

KPMD (IT Solutions) Ltd, Cooper Buildings, Arundel Street, Sheffield S1 2NS, Tel: +44 (0)114 221 1858 Web: www.kpmd.co.uk

United Kingdom National External Quality Assessment Service Web: http://www.ukneqas.org.uk