27 July 2024
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Thandela PT (South Africa) Sign Up for Software-As-A-Service - EQAlite

ZINQAP (Zimbabwe) Choose KPMD EQA Software

EQAlite a Big Success With Royal College of Pathologists

Urology EQA Sign Up for Software-As-A-Service - EQAlite

Leeds Hospitals Purchase Access To Health Software

NLEQAC (Nigeria) Subscribe to EQAlite Application Service

More clients choose KPMD EQA Software

KPMD Launch New EQA Application Service - EQAlite

HeidelbergCement choose KPMD EQA Software

ECAT Foundation (Netherlands) choose KPMD EQA Software


7th International Proficiency Testing Conference

9th EURACHEM Workshop on Proficiency Testing and External Quality Assessment

8th EURACHEM Workshop on Proficiency Testing and External Quality Assessment

4th International Proficiency Testing Conference

7th EURACHEM Workshop on Proficiency Testing and External Quality Assessment

Second International Proficiency Testing Conference

6th EURACHEM Workshop on Proficiency Testing

First International Proficiency Testing Conference


Fourth International Proficiency Testing Conference

Brasov - Romania
17 - 20 September 2013

The Conference represents an important meeting for the specialists from the analysis and testing laboratories in all fields of activity, who are interested to share and disseminate their experience, knowledge and innovative ideas.

The themes of this conference will be:

- Proficiency Testing Schemes (PTS)

- Reference Materials and Proficiency Testing (RM)

- Validation of Testing Methods and Proficiency Testing (VTM)

- Uncertainty of Measurement and Proficiency Testing (UM)

- Internal Quality Control of Analyses and Proficiency Testing (IQC)

- Metrology, Traceability and Proficiency Testing (MT)

- Accreditation of Quality Management and participation at Proficiency Testing (AQM)

- Development of the Analyses Methods in the Testing Laboratories (DAM)

For more details visit the website www.pt-conf.org/index.php/

KPMD IT Solutions will be demonstrating their software for Proficiency Testing organisers at this event. For more information about their External Quality Assessment / Proficiency Testing software visit the website www.kpmd.co.uk/scripts/ProgramMan.htm



Proficiency Testing, determination of laboratory testing performance by means of interlaboratory comparisons.

KPMD (IT Solutions) Ltd, Cooper Buildings, Arundel Street, Sheffield S1 2NS, Tel: +44 (0)114 221 1858 Web: www.kpmd.co.uk